Archive for the ‘My Workouts’ Category

Where am I going to be at this week? Check out my class schedule. Try out something new this week! Why not??

Monday, 7pm Sh’Bam at Windom Community Church
Tuesday, 7pm Bootcamp at Highland Elementary School in Derby
Thursday, 7pm Bootcamp at Highland Elementary School in Derby
Saturday, Body Combat at 9am and Sh’Bam at 10am

There is a class for everyone! I hope to see some of your faces in a new class this week!

A lot has been going on with me behind the scenes lately and I think that it is about time I shared some secrets with you all!

First off… if you have received your new Fall/Winter brochure for BodyShaping you may have noticed that yours truly is in not one, but TWO photos! I told my mom that I would make it into print someday… 😉

Other than my brochure debut, which let’s face it, is news enough in and of itself…. did anyone notice the new classes that Bodyshaping is offering? Namely the two Les Mills classes, Sh’Bam and BodyCombat. I have been training to instruct these classes and let me tell you these classes are AWESOME and I will be teaching both the Tuesday and Thursday classes in Orchard Park this Fall. I seriously cannot wait to show you all what the classes are all about. Be ready for some previews in Bootcamp!!!

To describe the classes –

BodyCombat is a high-energy cardiovascular class that combines moves from a range of martial arts disciplines. The class not only increases your fat -burning potential, but it also improves muscle coordination, strength, flexibilty and agility. It is intense and it is super fun. The music is SO hot too…. I cannot begin to convey to you the layers of love that I have for this class. Literally I am giddy with anticipation.

SH’BAM is a dance-centered workout and it is the perfect way to shape up and let out your inner star — even if you’re dance challenged. Ahem…. Now, I have made it public knowledge that I am not so much a “dancer” and unless I have had a few drinks there is no way you will catch me shaking anything in front of a crowd. Well, guess what!? I am swallowing my words (and my pride) and I am actually very excited to present Sh’Bam to you all. It really is just a fun, carefree workout that really lifts the spirit. It is a great class to take with a friend and just let loose and have fun! While you (and I) are shaken your tooshie to hot music tracks, you will be burning calories, toning muscles, and polishing up some serious dance-move-ammo for the next wedding you are invited to.

The even better part to all of this is the first two weeks of BodyCombat classes will be F-R-E-E, free! Come by, check out the class, learn the moves and kick some ass for FREE!!!! You cannot go wrong with that! The free classes provide you guys with a taste of all the awesomeness that BodyCombat has to offer and hopefully gets you guys to spread the word to your friends, family, and coworkers as well. Bring them all!!! Did I mention its free???

Here are the BodyCombat and Sh’Bam promo videos for you to check out…. let me know what you think!!!!

So my Fall teaching schedule will go something like this…

Mondays – Pilates 5:30 at DaniFit
Tuesdays – BodyCombat 10am at Windom Community Church, OP/Sh’Bam 9am at Windom Community Church, OP/Bootcamp 7pm in Derby
Thursdays – BodyCombat 10am at Windom Community Church, OP/Sh’Bam 9am at Windom Community Church, OP/Bootcamp 7pm in Derby

I hope that you will come and partake in the free classes and bring friends with you to join in on the fun. This is a new program that I am really excited to be able to represent. Les Mills is HUGE worldwide. Bodyshaping and I need you to spread the word to your friends and family….

Thank you all so much!!!

So, I have been training for some AWESOME new classes that Bodyshaping by Sandy will be offering in the Fall. I am SO excited! Here are some teasers to get you pumped too!!!!

Wanna Kick-Ass?????

Um, can I just say this workout is insanely intense and so fun. It is super hard, but at the same time flies by so fast…. I can honestly say I have never sweat so much as I have during this class, this training…. and lets face it, I am a sweater 😉 If you want to bring out your BADASS side, this is the class for you!

Just feel like dancin’ it out????

Side note… I have always said, and still stand by the notion that I am just not a dancer any more. I feel silly. I feel out of place and frankly “uncool”. However, Sh’bam is seriously so much fun. It has simple, easy to follow choreography that makes even the most uncomfortable dancer (ie. me), look kind of awesome 🙂 I have been practicing my hip shakes and I think I got it down!!!

If you missed Monday’s free Pilates class there is no need to fret!
I will be teaching Pilates at Dani-Fit on Monday nights at 5:30. Why not stop by on the way home from work to decompress before hitting the homestead???

If you are new to Dani-Fit, the first class is always free! I hope to see you there!

Check out this hot Pilates bod….

Madonna is known for her love of the Pilates practice. Some say that it is because of her that it has become so mainstream in the US. At almost 55, she clearly has it goin’ on still. When I grow up I want arms like Madonna.

Try Pilates, FREE!!!!

Posted: July 23, 2012 in Bootcamp, My Workouts

So, I am teaching a Pilates class at Dani-Fit on Monday nights! Yay!

For those of you who are at all familiar with my fitness journey know that I hold Pilates very near and dear to my heart. Pilates is what gave me my body back, not only aesthetically, but psychologically put me back in charge of my own self. If that makes any sense. Pilates is good for so many different types of people, in so many different ways. I find it to be empowering, rejuvenating and such a relief from a hectic day. I miss being a student in my old Pilates class, but I am super excited to be able to share my knowledge, my passion with all of you!!!

Why try Pilates?
– Well, first off… it is free! Come try something new for nothing!
– Pilates tones and trims the midsection
– Pilates improves balance and core strength
– Pilates has a lengthening effect on the muscles and can counteract the muscle tightness of traditional strength training
– Pilates is FUN and a welcome change of place in a weekly workout.

So, here is the deal….

Monday, July 30th at 5:30 I will be leading a FREE sample class at Dani-Fit, located at:
3218 Lakeshore Road
Buffalo, New York 14219

That’s right… FREE!!! Bring a mat and some water and come on and join me – I really would love to see some friendly, familiar faces in the crowd!

After that FREE sample class, I will be instructing classes each Monday at 5:30 at Dani-Fit.
All classes offered at Dani-Fit are $6 a class or you can get a punch card for $25 good for 5 classes.
Check out the Dani-Fit website HERE to find out more about all the goodness that Dani-fit has to offer.

PLEASE come try out Pilates, I promise you won’t regret it. I would love to see you there!!! Bring a friend too!

Let’s try something new this week!

I know that you all know that I LOVE Tabata training. I love it for it’s intensity, it’s ability to reach all ability levels, I love it’s predictability, and most of all…it’s after burn!

But, Tabata isn’t the only effective way to train. To be honest, if you trained Tabata daily, eventually, your body would adapt to the workout format and you would start to see less results. It is always good to change things up some! This week… no Tabata for you!!! Instead, I have a different style workout for you to try out this week. I suggest you put a high-energy song on your iPod and turn up the volume for this one!!!

– 100 Jumping Jacks (and no, that was not a type-o)

– 20 Old-School Situps (yes, it is completely okay to sit all the way up…I am not sure why sit-ups have such a bad rap these days!)

– 20 Squats (hold weights for extra resistance!)

– 10 Pushups

– 10 Tricep Dips

– 10 Second Rest

– 1 Minute Wall-Sit

Repeat this 3-4 times…. it looks easy, but I promise you, it will get your blood pumping!!!!!

So who is actually doing these with me??? I hope at least some of you!
If you have any questions, comments, or just want to say hi, please email me or comment….
Hope your summer is going great!

Here is this weeks workout. It is a traditional Tabata format with 20 seconds of hard work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Really try to push yourself during the 20 seconds, you want to raise that heart rate and really challenge your muscles while you can. Remember, it is only 20 seconds!!!!
I linked explanations of individual exercises that I thought you may need further explanation for. If there is one I missed, email or comment here and I will link it up!
Here is a link to an online Tabata Timer
Warm- Up – be sure to stretch out some and do a little jogging before you begin your workout!
Tabata (20/10)
Set 1:
– Regular Jumping Jacks (push yourself!!!!)
– Bent-Over Row
Set 2:
– Bicycle Abs
– High Plank (with overhead punch) (be sure to keep your hips parallel to the ground. Squeeze your butt!!!!)
Set 3:
– Heisman
– Backward Step Lunge, with optional knee lift
Set 4:
– Jab Punches (increase difficulty by holding LIGHT weights in hands.) Do these holding a LOW squat position
– Wall Sit – get those thighs parallel to the floor!!! Hold a heavy dumbbell over your head for added difficulty
Set 5:
– Sumo Squat with a side kick
– Hold Boat Pose
Set 6:
– Jumping Lunges (modify this by taking out the jump)
– Mountain Climbers
– Low Jacks for ONE MINUTE!!! Push through this last minute. You can do it!!!!
After your workout be sure to do some stretching to cool down and bring that heart rate down. Your body worked hard for you, treat it well!!!!
Do this workout 3 times this week!

My workout for today

Posted: June 25, 2012 in My Workouts

I am just not feeling up to doing my usual Insanity workout tonight. My motivation is low, and I just can’t seem to pep myself up! Because I know me pretty good, I have decided not to push myself through a workout that I know I am not mentally prepared to give 100% to, I have decided to search the Google-Machine for an alternative for tonight. Just because I am not excited to do what I have planned, does not mean that I am not going to workout. If you find yourself feeling “ho-hum” about what you are “supposed” to do for your training for the day, switch it up! Be flexible! Chances are your body is trying to tell you that you need a little bit of a change 😉

So, here is what I will be doing for my workout once my kids decide to go to sleep….

Source: via Crissy on Pinterest

Found this on Pinterest. LOVE Pinterest for workout inspirations as well as for inspiration in other areas of my life. If you haven’t checked it out yet, it is definitely a must!

Here it is! First workout of the summer all planned out for you, all you have to do is find 30 minutes (or so) and a spot in your house to work up a sweat! I know that you can do this! Today, and for the rest of the summer until I see your pretty little faces again in the fall!

Here is the workout. It is a traditional Tabata format with 20 seconds of hard work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Really try to push yourself during the 20 seconds, you want to raise that heart rate and really challenge your muscles while you can. Remember, it is only 20 seconds!!!!

I linked explanations of individual exercises that I thought you may need further explanation for. If there is one I missed, email or comment here and I will link it up!

Here is a link to an online Tabata Timer

Warm- Up – be sure to stretch out some and do a little jogging before you begin your workout!

    Tabata (20/10)
    Set 1:

– Fast High Knees (push yourself!!!!)
– Bicep Curls (Really crunch those elbow-pits at the top and fully extend your arm down) – Use a heavier weight for this

    Set 2:

Plie Squat With a Dumbell Upright Row (squat down and drop arms in front of you holding your dumbbells. On the way up, bring those weights up toward your chin keeping your elbows out wide.)

    Set 3:

Tricep Dips (do these either on the floor like we do in class, or you can use a coffee table, chair, or aerobic step if you have one)
Plank Jacks! (hold a low plank on your elbows and move those legs in and out like you are doing jumping jacks. Keep that butt down and SQUEEZE people!!!)

    Set 4:

– Over the Chair
– Suicides

    Set 5:

Hinged Tricep Kickback (use a lighter weight for this one)
Shoulder Press Up

    Set 6:

– Alternating Forward Lunge (to increase difficulty, hold dumbbells in your hands)
– Pushups


– 50 crunches!!! You can do it!

After your workout be sure to do some stretching to cool down and bring that heart rate down. Your body worked hard for you, treat it well!!!!

Do this workout 3 times this week!

We are quickly approaching the end of Bootcamp for the Spring. I cannot believe how quickly this session has flown by! The end really snuck up on me! I am very sad that we will not be holding Bootcamp over the summer, but considering the few super hot days we had to workout in, it may be for the best 😉 We were all quite a sweaty sight I am sure! Class will return in the Fall (with yours truly), and I will be armed with new ideas to make us all stronger individuals!

In the meantime, 6 weeks is a looong time to let pass by without a good workout! I don’t plan to leave you laying around in the summer sun with nothing to do. Each week I will post a workout on my site. I will structure the workouts like I would a typical Tabata class. I will post a quick warm up for you to do. I will post 6-7 couplets, with explanations to the moves. Do the normal 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest, unless I say otherwise. I will include a link to an online Tabata Timer. You can bookmark it and use it for your workouts. If you have a Smartphone, there are a lot of free Tabata timer apps you can use as well. If you are die hard and want your very own super-sweet Tabata timer, you can purchase your own HERE for $20. When you think of the money you will save on a gym membership, $20 is a steal! It is probably the ONLY piece of workout equipment that I cannot do without.

It is my suggestion to you that you do the posted weekly workout, at a minimum of twice a week, on Tuesday night and Thursday night, just as you would if it was an actual class (minus the nonsensical banter coming from me in the front of the room). Adding in a third night would be optimal though and would make me very happy 🙂

If there are any questions about the exercises, or anything else for that matter, you can always leave a comment or email me personally. I am always excited to see emails and comments from my people!

In addition to thinking about your workout situation during our 6 week hiatus, I have also been thinking about what I will be doing to challenge myself fitness wise. I am currently on the second half of the Insanity program, so by the time the session wraps up it will be just about over. I am planning on attending at least one Pilates class a week which will be held at Frontier Middle School on Monday and Wednesday nights at 6pm. I would LOVE to see some friendly boot-campers there beside me! I am going to shoot for two, but with the kiddos home from school, realistically, it may not happen every week.

Along with Pilates I am going to do the workout that I post each week. I will do that workout three times, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (or Friday, depending on my weekend schedule of keep-the-kids-busy-and-entertained activities).

I also plan to add in another workout program like Insanity to the mix. Mike has been hinting that he wants to do P90X again (because once is apparently not enough for him). I may be seeing a lot more of Tony Horton in my living room in the months to come. More Tony on the TV inevitably means more “Tonyisms” in my brain… “Do your best and forget the rest.” and “Man-o-manischewitz!” Sigh….

Anyway. These are my plans to keep myself busy and fit through the summer. I would love to hear your plans! Anyone signing up for a race or starting up a new workout genre? Share away!